Thursday, June 26, 2014


Everything I once held dear, I count it all as loss!  

Awaken my fellow humans and let's do something about creating 'world peace'.  What is it that's causing these wars around the world?  Power struggles?  Religious freedom, or lack there of?  Economic disasters? Can you think of the cause of each of these?  I hate to over simplify the causes of wars, but sometimes you have to find the common denominator to see the truth.  So what is the consonant purpose of these wars? Well wanting more of everything, of course.  Wanting the unattainable.  Want, want want, need, need need, must have have have....   Behold the words:

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."
Psalm 23:1   

Ever been at a place in life where you gave your everything to a person, a situation, or a relationship; yet you were left disappointed, alone, and sad?  Why is that I wonder.  Did you not do something right?  Did you think you gave it your best but held back?  All I can relay is what I feel is the answer.  This by no means is an all encompassing solution.  Just some ideas on the topic.  So here it goes.

When you try to please a person, you lose yourself in them.  Your identity gets lost in them somehow.  You begin to identify yourself by their accomplishments.  You're affected by their moods, their attitude, their behaviors.  You forget what you used to be like before them and what you would possibly do without them. Once you lose your own self to someone else, you can't expect to walk away and not be disappointed, not feel alone, or not be sad.  Instead of giving your all to a person or a situation, why not try to surrender your everything to God and let Him make your relationship or situation better.  Something to think about at least. 

Back to the wars of the world.  Those leaders that are so motivating with their words and convince many to follow them into battle, what if they were to lead the followers to God.  The true God.  The only God.  What if instead of sacrificing their followers for their own cause, they offer themselves up to God and pray for the betterment of their followers.  What if instead of feeding lies about heaven and hell they speak the truth of God.  What if instead of craving power, they become slaves themselves to God.  Wouldn't that be a wondrous site.  Alas, if it were only that easy.  

There is so much wisdom in scripture if you only take the time to read.  I don't think you even have to be a believer to understand and learn from the true word of God.  He asks us to surrender to His will, and promises us that He will lead our paths.  He asks us to lean on Him and not our own understandings.  He asks us to give Him our troubles because He can bare them.  He tells us to love one another, as He loves us. He asks us to forgive each other, as He has forgiven us. So if our Lord God can love us in our darkest moments and forgive us our worst sins; then who are we not to love and forgive each other?  I suppose that's the question asked over and over throughout history.

         "But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, 
or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. 
But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
Joshua 24:15

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