Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How sins impact us - Wrath/Anger

Wrath is simply defined as, extreme anger. But there really isn't anything simple about the word is there. When you try to look up wrath on Wikipedia, it redirects you to anger and it says; Anger is an emotional response related to one's psychological interpretation of having been threatened. Often it indicates when one's basic boundaries are violated.

What does that mean when you're trying to interpret anger/wrath as a sin? What I should have done when I started writing about the 7 deadly sins was to describe what a sin is. Better late than never, I suppose. A sin is the act of violating God's will. There is much scripture on the topic of wrath and anger.

"So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God."
James 1:19-20


"In your anger do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your wrath."
Ephesians 4:26


"He who is slow to wrath has great understanding, But he who is impulsive exalts folly."
Proverbs 14:29


"Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry, For anger rests in the bosom of fools."
Ecclesiastes 7:9


"Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: Do not fret--it only causes harm."
Psalm 37:8

Scripture aside, consider this real life example of anger.  A couple devoted to each other solely, argue now and then, but remain faithful and true to each other through thick and thin. One is in extreme depression, and the other does what they feel right to provide support.  Day after day, week after week, month after month, years after years, nothing changes.  Correction, the depression gets worse.  As anyone with depression would attest, some days are certainly better than others.  Many of the  better days are spent in laughing and enjoyment, and they thank God for those days.  Yet the heavier burdened days take their toll on the relationship.  The one holding the two together feels deprived and feels taken for granted.  If it isn't this, it is that, always something to make things more complicated, harder, more difficult to handle.  Till one breaks down and gives in to anger/wrath.  Sadly, it would not be a complete story if it was only once they reverted to anger. The person seeks God's guidance and asks for patience.  However baring different situations, or better yet, opportunities God gives to practice the patience, leads to wrath rather than patience and peace. They fail. They try again, and they fail again.  Over and over.  

What frail creatures we are.  How we try to do right, and are faced with such challenges that make us sin. That furthers us away from each other, and especially God.  It is not the fault of partner who has a chemical imbalance that causes them to be unwell.  At the same time, it is not the fault of the partner who does what they can to help.  The fault lies in giving into the temptations the devil presents each.  People, I cannot stress enough that we must pay attention to how the devil works.  You may have heard the phrase, God works in mysterious ways.  But remember this one that, the devil works in mischievous ways.  He uses trickery to make you believe things that aren't true.  If something is on your mind that you're struggling with, he makes it worse by telling you it's bigger than what it is, or it's more than what it is.  Don't give in to the devil my friends.  I unfortunately am not above any other and have indeed given in to him myself, though I try not to.  I shall keep trying to fight him, as it's a daily battle.  Remind yourselves of God's promise to us.  Remember to put Him above all else and let him guide your ways.  Let Him lead you away from sin.  Though I am a believer I too strife with this.  It isn't easy and anyone that tells you otherwise isn't being honest.  Recognize that wrath/anger only leads to hurt feelings and hurt relationships.  Therefore do not turn a blind eye to the wrath inside yourselves.  Learn to address it and control it.  Pray to God for patience, understanding, forgiveness, compassion, and for His blessings on you.  For it is written: 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 
In all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6          

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