Thursday, June 5, 2014


The dictionary defines peace as: the freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility or as, the freedom from or the cessation of war or violence.  Here is something that may come as a surprise to most.  The term Islam means peace.  Yeah, weird no?  As those that claim to be following the Islamic religion, are the ones creating the world's wars.  Whether it be in Afghanistan, Egypt, Pakistan, or other third world countries where terrorism is rampant by the "jihadi Muslims" and/or the "taliban Muslims".

Ever look up these two words?  Well let me tell you their definitions.

  "Jihad" means the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin, and or, striving in the way of God.  Let me go a bit further.  Mohammed as a prophet of Islam raged jihadi wars against the nonbelievers in his time, yes. That sort of jihad is considered the lessor jihad and is a struggle against the enemies of Islam.  But there is no where in the original teachings of this religion where it says to kill, torture and terrorize, those that don't believe what you do.  Over the years so many modifications have been made to how the message in the quran is interpreted and or carried out.  People add what they like, take out what they don't, and simply ignore other parts.    

  "Taliban's" literal meaning is the student of Islam.  Actually the word talib means student and from that word the extremists derived the word taliban, which in essence should  be a group of students.  That really isn't the case now is it?

Alright, so we have the word Islam = peace, the word jihad = striving in the way of God, and the word taliban = group of students of Islam.  How did these crazy extremists change these three peaceful  words into political movements, wars, terrorism and other horrid things?  If prophet Mohammed was alive to see this, he would be so ashamed of what his people have become and what they have made of the religion he preached.

So what's the point of all this?  So glad you asked.  The point is, don't judge each other people!  I read a great quote somewhere once that completely applies here.  "Don't judge others because they sin differently then you".  We all are sinners and we all need God's love and forgiveness.  Nothing gives us the right to kill another because they believe something different from us.  Search within yourselves folks.  Find the hidden menace asking you to be mad, asking you to be vial, asking you to yell and scream, asking you to hit or hurt, asking you to abuse and torture, and asking you to kill; and pose this question to yourself, why am I doing this?  If you can honestly answer that question, you have a chance at redemption.  But know that God's redemption must be sought and then you must ask for forgiveness.  However, only asking for forgiveness is not enough!  After sincerely asking for forgiveness, you must amend your lives to represent a life that God Almighty would be pleased with.  A life worth living!  Only then will you truly have redemption and salvation.

Peace - The end goal is peace within us, around us, in our lives, in those we know and those we haven't met yet.  No matter what change you want to see around you, it all starts within us.

So, why don't you be the change you want to see in the world!!!    

disclaimer - I don't associate myself with the Islamic religion.  I grew up with it and have read up on the topic.  I strongly disagree with what they preach and what the religion has become.    

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