Monday, June 16, 2014

How sins impact us - Lust

Lust is an emotion or feeling of intense desire in the body. The lust can take any form such as the lust for knowledge, the lust for sex or the lust for power. It can take such mundane forms as the lust for food as distinct from the need for food. Lust is a powerful psychological force producing intense wanting for an object, or circumstance, fulfilling the emotion. (Wikipedia)

I want to write a piece on each of the sins; starting with lust, to bring light to where certain actions of ours are derived from.  We have the definition of lust from a known source, let's take it apart now.  Why do you believe lust was categorized as a sin originally?  Why is having an intense desire for worldly things a sin?  Is it only a sin if you're lusting for a person, or also for things?  What happens if you are unable to attain that which you intensely desire?  

Consider the following scenario:  A child is in a checkout line at the local grocery store with you and sees a candy he really wants.  He asks for it, and you reply with a no.  The child more often then not, gets upset and begins to throw a temper tantrum.  Right?  This is not necessarily a bad reflection on your parenting; as children learn to find situations to do these acts in, situations where they feel you are unable to discipline them in front of strangers.  Back to the scenario. Whatever causes the child to act as thus is the same reason why we as adults behave the way we do when we do not get what it is we desire.  The only difference being, that the child is unaware of lust and is acting on impulse, and adults are aware of such a sin and chose to lust.  Unfortunately some of us lack self control and act on our lustful desires.  Lust is a sin because it takes us away from God and His plans for us.  

By the time we are an adult, we have certain values and morals instilled in us from our parents or other influences from our childhood.  This is the case whether we were brought up in a religious household or not, as all parents take it upon themselves to decide which values and morals to give importance to and what they feel isn't worth it. Perhaps there are those in the world that were never taught that lust is a sin.  Reality in my opinion is that we simply chose to remember certain morals and forget others.  Surely lusting after certain foods can't be that bad.  Or lusting after a promotion you so deserve.  Maybe even lusting after that women that lives in the neighborhood.  What's the worse that can happen?  The wrath of God you fools!!  Okay now with all seriousness, the worse that can happen is not what one should think about.  What one should remember is that you will need to answer for all your actions on this earth, to God in the afterlife.  So as long as you are prepared to do so without shame, then...  But who amongst you denies that little voice in your head that tells you right from wrong.  That same voice you drown away with your justifications.  That's the voice of the Holy Spirit, guiding you away from sin.  The justification comes from Lucifer, aka the devil.  For it is written: 

"Let no one say when he is tempted, 'I am tempted by God'; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.  
But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed." 
James 1:13-14 

As mentioned in many of my previous writings that things aren't easy or simple.  If they were then earth would certainly have peace as everyone would be easily able to battle sin.  It is the job of the devil to lead us astray.  It is up to us to be stronger willed than the devil.  Lust is extremely dangerous as it comes across innocent enough.  Psalms 23:1 says, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."  So if you allow God to fill your heart with His love, mercy and joy, then you can fight the worldly temptations.  Then what you have left after overcoming lust is the goodness of God!  That food you so desire, you don't want it because you are hungry.  You want/desire it because it is tempting you.  That promotion you so deserve will come to you when the time is right, and only God knows when that is.  And that woman you lust after is the wife of your neighbor.  Remember your commandments from God; Thou shalt not covet.

My dear people, always listen to the little voice in your head, unless of course the voice is of the devil.  How do you tell it apart?  You tell is apart by knowing in your heart, body, mind and soul that God only wants what's best for you and He will not tempt you.  So if the voice is urging you towards something you do not need, it isn't from God.  May our Lord, God Almighty give you the strength to fight the devils war he lashes against you daily, so that you may not lust.  Amen.    

"Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace." 
Romans 6:14

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