Friday, June 6, 2014

Devil's Trap!

Do you feel it?  The snares tightening around your body, pulling you into the darkness?  Does it feel hot and scary, or does it feel welcoming?  How you answer that last question says a great deal about your morals and values.

I am going to write under the assumption that everyone has heard the story about the Garden of Eden.  Specifically referring to when the devil as the snake spoke to Eve and put doubt in her mind.  The doubt that most people everyday are challenged with.  The doubt that should be the greatest sin of all.  The doubt that God isn't the all powerful or the all knowing.  The feeling that me, myself and I can be just as good as God...  yeah that doubt.  The devil encouraged Eve to think that she too can have the knowledge, wisdom, and truth, that God posses.  If only she betrayed God's word and ate from the tree of knowledge.  Does anyone remember what happened after?  That's right, humanity was doomed!  As soon as Eve took a bite of the apple from the tree of knowledge, her eyes were opened to an extent she hadn't experienced before and for the first time, she saw her nakedness and felt embarrassed.

That's what the devil does.  He deceives us all and entraps us in ways we would think innocent at the time.  "...oh what's the worse that can happen if I take a bite of this juicy apple...",  or "'s okay to steal this because you are in need of it...", maybe "...I know cheating on my wife is wrong, but she doesn't love me the way she used to..."  So many examples can be given of his trickery if we only paid attention.

How do we prevent ourselves from falling into the trap though?  I don't have all the answers people. However I do know some things that I would love to share with you.

  1. First of them being, BELIEVE/TRUST IN GOD!  If we put God before everything and believe in His word then it becomes harder for the devil to make a home in our hearts.  Remind yourselves that the devil fears God.  
  2. Second, rid yourselves of negativity, malice, anger, resentment, and other such ill feelings.  If your heart is clear of these, it would become difficult for the devil to take hold of your mind.  
  3. Third, when you do start getting the above mentioned thoughts or feelings, remind yourself of #1 and know that it is the devil at work, making his way in.
  4. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE WHAT HE, THE DEVIL IS CAPABLE OF.  He will disguise himself in any shape or form to earn your trust.        

It's not as easy as this sounds.  Don't things always seem simpler when read in instructions, but when you go to apply what it is you learned, all of the sudden you find yourself perspiring, nervous, and anxious.  Just try your best to remember #1, and take a deep breath in of God's goodness followed by a long breath out of the devil's ugliness.

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