Friday, June 13, 2014

For the One who gave it all!

I stand, my arms wide and heart abandoned.  In awe, of the One who gave it all.
I stand, my soul Lord to You surrendered.  All I am is Yours!

A father is a person who doesn't officially give birth to you, but definitely has a big part in creating you.  So when you think about it, even those that don't follow Christianity, you have to believe that God our Lord is our Creator and our Father.  If He hadn't made humanity, we wouldn't be here. The absolute beauty of our Lord God is that, even though we are not worthy, He loves us, each and every one.  He is our maker, He is our salvation, and He is our Father.

Consider how very lucky we are.  Us, the broken, the weak, the disheartened and the tortured.  Yes, we are lucky to have a God so loving and so merciful.  Though He made us all, and there are approximately 7 billion of us here on earth, He knows us all individually.  He knows every hair on our bodies.  He took time to create us in His image.  He gave us life because He loves us.  We commit sins and He forgives.  He wants to build a relationship with us, so he sent us Christ, his beloved.  Does anyone know a father so true to his word than our Lord?  He promises us that:

"Fear not for I am with you; Be not dismayed for I am your God.  
I will strengthen you, yes I will help you.  
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." 
Isaiah 41:10

The truth is, we are afraid of the love and mercy He bestows on us, and we are not willing to accept it.  Perhaps our sins are so deep and ugly that we are lost in our shame.  Remember though!  When God created Adam and Eve and gave them the garden of Eden, He was so close to His creation, man, and there was nothing between them.  All was open, all was free.  He gave man dominion over earth.  It was only when man committed sin is when shame came along.  Still, our God is so mighty that he rid us of our damnation, our shame, our fears, our worries and our sins, by accepting Christ's sacrifice and prayer for us.  Christ has risen and we are forgiven.  Hallelujah!

Our Lord, our Father, our everything, blesses us daily.  He loves us so that He gives us opportunities after opportunities to improve ourselves.  To lead better lives.  To be righteous.  To be truly worthy of His grace.  It is by His grace we are all here today.  It is His grace that provides for us.  It is His grace that heals us.  It is His grace that enables us to live the lives we do.  How great is our God!  There are those amongst us, who didn't have a proper upbringing.  Those that didn't have an earthly father to look up to.  A father to teach them.  A father to guide them.  But I ask those of you, why are you sad?  Is your Father in heaven not enough for you?  Did He not stay with you in nights you were alone and fearful?  Did He not comfort you in your time of need?  Did He not, day after day, provide and take care of you?  He is the one we need to look up to.  He is the one we need to learn from.  And he is the one we need to be guided by.  Do not forget, our God has never abandoned us and never will.  He is and forever will be our Lord, our Savior, our Father, our everything.  I will end with another promise from our Father in heaven:

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.
Isaiah 43:2            

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