Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Baby steps...

None of us are like the prophets of the old testament that can in an instant; part seas, move mountains or survive being swallowed by a whale and live to tell the tale.  We more than likely take time to accomplish any set task, whether it be as small as taking the trash out or changing the world.  I don't know if the following reference will be understood, but it's very relevant.


So how do we accomplish such unimaginable tasks then?  Is it even possible?  There are so many obstacles in the way to our goals.  Right you are- there are a lot of hurdles we have to jump over to get to the end goal.  But it can be done.  Having the right mindset and attitude is what will help.  Assuming you will fail before you even begin will not help.  Duh!

Taking small measurable steps in the right direction is where to begin.  Can't say this enough, even if you're tired of hearing it.  Start with yourself.  Did you notice the word "measurable"?  You need to be able to set goals that you not only can accomplish, but are measured in some way.  For example:  

Goal:  Today I will not complain.  
Measure:  I did not complain as often, as I only complained twice.
Next day goal:  Today I will not complain at all.
Measure:  Well I only complained once.
Following day goal:  If I complain today I will need to put a dollar in the jar.
Measure:  I did not complain today!  

Goal:  Today I will not gossip.
Measure: Well that didn't work as I gossiped all day...
Next day goal:  Today I will try harder not to gossip.
Measure:  Hmm...I did better but need more work in this field.
Following day goal:  Today I must not gossip.
Measure:  Alright, I only gossiped once today.
Consequent day goal:  Today if I gossip I have to place two dollars in the jar.
Measure:  Hey looky here, I didn't gossip at all today!

Note:  It isn't ideal to assume that you will accomplish the goals you set for yourself if you put a condition that you have to put money in a jar if you don't.  As you may not have the money, or better yet, stop carrying money and use that as an excuse.  The examples are meant to bring some humor into the situation.  

Now, with all seriousness.  Nothing in this world would be accomplished if everyone said, it simply cannot be done.  Any goal, project or idea has to start from somewhere.  Einstein coming up with the theory of relativity, or Da Vinci creating the Mona Lisa, or even America's forefathers getting the Declaration of Independence ratified.  It started with a belief in something that did not exist.  


So why can't you help me accomplish my mission of creating peace in the world.  Make goals for yourself to accomplish.  Make goals for your children to accomplish.  Start somewhere.  Grow and expand from there.  Ask for God's guidance.  If for whatever reason you don't believe in God, ask the ninja warrior for guidance then.  But do it.  Pray on your goals.  Hold yourself accountable for them.  Reset the goal to better yourself.  Say hi to someone that may need just that simply acknowledgment.  Smile at someone who looks like they are having a bad day.  Hug your loved ones.  Kiss your children.  BE HAPPY!!!  Yes, it is really that simple.  Try it and you may just surprise yourself.  If you start with baby steps, you will astonish yourself and those around you as to how many seas you can part, mountains you can move, and whales you can survive...   May God help you in your endeavors.  Amen!      

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