Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The light at the end of the tunnel...

You find yourself in a dark place with no way out.  You seem to be walking in all directions, and every which way you turn the darkness seems to grow instead of lesson.  You get exhausted and sit down against the dark walls.  You feel doomed and forsaken.  You first ask why you?  Then you curse the gods for your situation.  You even bargain for your release.  No matter what you say or seem to do, you simply can't find your way...

But wait, what is that shimmer?  Right there, in that far corner of your eye.  You see it, but it seems far far away.  You tell yourself that you must try though. So you pull yourself back up and start going towards what seems to be a shimmer just in the corner of your eye.  Is this even real you ask.  Or have you been in the darkness too long that your eyes are playing tricks on you.  But it is certainly something, so you keep heading in the direction you feel the shimmer of light is coming from.  Slowly, carefully you step forward, one foot in front of the other.  Simply trusting what you feel is your instinct.  Is the shimmer getting brighter you think?  You rub your eyes roughly. You squint and then open them up wide.  It can't be...but it is. Yes, you see some light.  You now pick up your pace.  Though you can't see where you're stepping, you begin to run towards the light.  Why is it taking forever to reach it?  Can't give up now.  Your legs begin to tire out and you start wondering if you're seeing something that truly isn't there. Is it an oasis?  It seems as real as your breath, and as real as the feet under you.  You feel you can reach out and touch it but every time you stretch out your hand, it is just a bit beyond your reach. Yet you keep moving forward.

After what seems like hours, or maybe even days, you see the light getting brighter.  How long have you been walking?  Why are you not thirsty?  Why are you not hungry?  What's going on here you wonder.  Okay, you say to yourself.  My mind has got to be playing tricks on me.  To gather yourself, your thoughts, and your mind, you sit back down.  This time when you sit, you begin to talk.  You don't at first realize what you're doing as there is no one else there in the darkness, and in the depths of this hell you are in. Yet it feels like you're talking to someone who's sitting right next to you.  You begin to say, 'where am I God?  Is it You who is showing me this light?  This light that I have been following for so very long and can't reach.  Is it even real God?  What's going on here?  How long have I been in the dark? What do I do?'  You sit there waiting for a reply.  When none seems to come you begin to get up, but you can't feel your feet.  Then as if the voice is emanating from within you you hear the words, "Let Me show you My way for you this day.  Concentrate on staying close to Me.  Through communing with Me, you transfer your heavy burdens to My strong shoulders.  Discipline your thoughts to trust Me as I work My ways in your life.  Pray about everything; then leave outcomes to Me.  Do not fear My will, for through it I accomplish what is best for you. Take a deep breath and dive into the depths of absolute trust in Me." You are left sitting there in shock and in wonder. You dare not move, as if you're frozen still right where you are.  You contemplate the words you heard in your heart and soul. Right then as if it wasn't even in your control, you kneel and begin to pray like you never have before.  You say;

'Oh my Lord, I hear You.  I hear Your blessed voice speaking to me.  Lord though I am not worthy, You have chosen to seek me out and speak to me personally.  Thank you Lord. My God, in this time of darkness of mine, I come to you with arms wide and heart abandoned.  I need You more than I have ever needed anything else in my life Lord.  Nothing else matters to me except Your will, Your guidance, and Your forgiveness.  Whether it is today when I am lost in the darkness, or tomorrow when I am joyful.  You are what I need.  Lord guide me to the right path.  The path that leads me out of this place and into Your light.  For without You I am nothing and will be lost in here for ever.  You are the one who led me thus far, and You alone can bring me out of here. Please Lord, help your humble servant.  Amen!'

After praying these words, you get up and look above you, then ahead of you.  Though it is still dark and you cannot see your own hand, you feel you know the way as you aren't alone now.  You feel energized though the situation you are in has not changed any.  One step after another you move ahead.  Each step with more conviction and more determination.  With each step you praise God. You don't know how long you do this but it no longer feels like eternity. You're smiling throughout your walk and feel a joy inside that you cannot understand. Then there it is.  One more step and you will be standing tall in the light.  You hesitate for only a moment, not knowing what awaits you, and then in the name of God you take your last step into the light and you allow it to engulf you.  How great is our God you say.  Thank you Lord for hearing my pleas for help!

Know in your heart that this too shall pass.  Whatever troubles you're finding yourself in, whatever issues you are facing, whatever bills you cannot pay; Entrust the Lord with your burdens and then trust His will for the outcome.  That light at the end of the tunnel does exist and it's His everlasting love for us and His forever presence in our lives.

"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Therefore if God makes you free, you shall be free indeed."
John 8:32, 36    

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