Monday, July 21, 2014

Believing v. Trusting

To believe means to accept something as true; or feel sure of the truth of.  Well in that sense I believe in flying reindeer, unicorns, leprechauns, big foot, and ninjas to name a few. However, is believing in something enough? Kids believe in Santa Clause, until the day they catch their dad placing gifts under the tree.  So I ask, is believing in God enough?  Is believing He exists and is here for us through everything sufficient? you probably guessed, we'll evaluate it.

Consider the scenario where you have hit bottom, and you find yourself between the rocks and a hard place. There is no family and or friends around.  Correction; family and friends are there, yet you feel so ashamed that you cannot turn to them for help.  As the last time you had reached this level, they helped you through it. They found you work, a home, and stabilization.  Yet you left it all behind to feed your habit.  Now you find yourself in the position you were in, but know or at least feel they aren't going to be there for you as before.  You are living out your car, and stand at the side of the road everyday with a sign that reads, "Need money for food.  Don't use drugs.  Anything helps!"  Unfortunately only a few seem to believe the middle sentence of your sign and do not feel empathy for your situation.  Night after night you crawl up under an old jacket in your car and cry yourself to sleep.  Your shoes are so worn out that they have holes.  Even in this situation, when someone gives you money, you quickly spend it on your habit instead of putting food in your belly, or getting yourself a hot drink to keep you warm.  How did I get here you ask yourself.  You remember the good days and the message of God you received while recovering the last time.  The message that said to believe in God and His mercy.  You repeat to yourself, that I believe in God, He will help me through this. You say, I believe in His word and His mercy.  Over and over you say this, yet as soon as you have more money you are on the streets looking for a buy.  Why isn't God helping me through this.  I keep saying I believe.  Why isn't my situation changing...

It's not to say that God isn't listening to your belief in Him, if you do indeed believe and aren't just chanting the words. He wonders whether you actually trust him with your situation or believe only in the words you keep repeating.  For He wants you to feel the difference between believing in Him and trusting in Him.  What is the difference?  The difference is that when you truly trust in the Lord, you surrender to His will and then through His grace you're changed from the inside out.  Believing is good, don't think that it isn't.  It's simply not enough.  First step is to believe.  Second step is to trust.  In the first step you get God's attention to yourself.  In the second step you allow Him to work within you and help you.  In the first step you cast away sins.  In the second step you put God above everything else.  Think for a second about the person you love and trust most in the world.  Then amplify that love and trust by an unimaginable number, the highest digits possible.  That is how much our God almighty loves and cherishes us.  When we fall rock bottom and think we don't deserve better, He waits on us and calls us to Him.  He asks us to:

"...Lean on, trust, and be confident in Me.  When you lean on Me. for support, I delight in your trusting confidence..." Interpretation from Proverbs 3:5 and Isaiah 30:15 

"[Now] faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence if things not seen." 
Hebrews 11:1


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