Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Follow the leader

Have you ever played the game follow the leader?  I've seen it played in various ways and with different kinds of groups. In some groups it was played where everyone had to do what the leader was doing.  While in others, the group was all blindfolded and stood in a line.  Each person grabbed the shoulder of the person in front and followed wherever the leader took them; the leader was the only one not blindfolded.  What's the point to this you may be wondering.  Patience my friends, you know I don't bring up a topic unless it's relevant to what I want to discuss.  So playing games is enjoyable, right?  Enjoyable because it's pretend, and doesn't impact real life.  No?  What happens if you find out one day that life is a game. Do you do anything differently? If so what?

Well in the game of life, there is only one leader.  No you don't have to guess who.  And if you thought of anyone but the One and Only God, then you need to sort your priorities.  In a game of pretend, it's easy to follow the leader.  But when it comes to real life, and real consequences, we tend to forget who our Leader and Master is.  Instead of following His direction and commands for us, we tend to rely on ourselves.  Well how is that working out for all?  Yeah, some are doing really well; lots of money in the bank accounts, houses, cars, jewelry, everything you ever wanted or needed.  But do they have peace? Others are wondering whether they will have food to eat tonight, or shelter to sleep under.  No matter where you are in game of life, you must acknowledge the God who watches over you.

I'll share a brief story.  I was skeptical of God and His existence as I always looked at the inconsistencies in life.  Rich getting richer, when they don't worship.  Poor getting poorer when all they do is pray.  The bad getting away with crimes and never knowing God.  The good coming down with deadly disease when they follow all commandments of God.  I used to ask, how can a God that sees all this be the God to worship. Then like a flick of a light switch everything was illuminated (well not exactly, but it sounds better to say it that way). It took a very long time for me to understand and accept God's love, forgiveness, mercy and grace.  But now that I have, all my questions seem to be answered and I wonder how I ever questioned Him to begin with.  I know I wasn't alone though, as many question the same things.  You know what's cool? That our loving God wants us to ask Him these questions. To Him it shows that we're interested enough to care why certain things happen. However the wonder of it all is, that we may never truly understand even when He does respond. For He says;

"Understanding will never bring you peace. That's why I have instructed you to trust in Me, not in your understanding." Interpretation from Proverbs 3:5-6

Know this!

God is in the midst of the weakest person, dying of thirst. So that he dies with peace in his heart.
Lord Almighty lives within the sloth who sits and eats all day. So that he feels sees right from wrong.
God walks with the crippled that can't feel his legs. So that he can feel alive.
Lord Almighty gives more to the greedy who has everything. So they may give back to the needy.
 God places His hand on the poor when they are too cold to sleep. So they can feel His warmth.

So no matter what sins you have committed or haven't committed in life, take a chance and follow the Lord. He will wash away all your sins and accept you with open arms into His holy presence. He will bless your heart and soul and allow you to feel His mercy in your lives.  Whether life is a game or not, our Lord is our Leader and Master and we must follow Him.  Follow His word, His messengers/prophets, His commandments, His mercy, His forgiveness, His compassion, His grace, His never ending love for us all. Sinners and saints alike.  Yes, it's a hard pill swallow, but that's the grace of God!  He loves us all so very much.  He has so much love to give, that every being on this earth can stretch out their hands to carry such bounties, yet it will still overflow.  Just surrender to Him my friends, and see what your tomorrow will bring. Follow Him!  Accept Him into your lives. Allow Him to lead you to the path of those He has blessed. Allow His Holy Spirit to lead you beyond borders you have created for yourselves. Give up the struggle of figuring it out for yourselves.  Just like a father takes care of his children, like a teacher teaches his students, like a captain leads his soldiers, like a president commands his country; our Lord is our Father, our Teacher, our Captain, and our President, all in one. Then why do you think twice about following Him?  The time of thinking is over. The time of acceptance of His will over ours is here.  

My Lord, let Your will be done in our lives and let us always follow You, Your Word, and Your Spirit. Amen!!!

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