Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Discipleship and Seeking the Lost -

Do you shy away when someone asks you questions about your faith or your beliefs?  Whatever they may be.  Do you question what you believe?  Is it hard to explain to others, or is it that you yourself don't understand your own belief system?

I was once married.  The man I was married to believed without question.  However when I used to ask him questions about his beliefs, he was never able to answer.  He simply used to say, I don't ask questions...I just believe.  It's amazing to have such faith, no?  Yes...and No.  Why no, you may be asking.  Doesn't God tell us to have faith and love Him unconditionally?  Yes, of course.  But He doesn't want us to be ignorant about our faith and beliefs either.  He wants us to seek out the non-believers and the lost, so that we can preach the good news of the love of God to them.  How in the world are we supposed to do that if we don't understand ourselves?  Does that make more sense now?  I assure you my friends, it's good to ask questions and to understand fully.  It's good to gain knowledge about your faith.  Don't roll your eyes and walk away when someone tries to find out about your belief system.  Stand firm in your faith and tell them you're a disciple of Christ. For the Lord says to us in Luke 15:3-7

"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them.  Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?  And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home.  Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; for I have found my lost sheep'. I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

How is this relevant?  Let's dig into it a bit shall we?  Pastor David Hawkins said in his sermon on said topic that this parable refers to how God seeks out the sinners.  And don't you say, well this isn't for me then, as we're all sinners.  We should be delighted that God Himself seeks us out.  And as the disciples of Christ we need to seek those that have yet to feel the light of God shine on them.  Don't corner yourselves with other believers, as that goes against what Christ asked us to do.  Jesus said, 

 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"
Matthew 28:19

Please don't sit back and watch the non-believers put down your faith.  Do you not see what's happening in our world?  Do you not see what folks are doing in the name of their own faiths?  The Muslim extremists want to destroy Christianity and the followers of Christ.  Are you going to still sit back and not speak up?  Will you allow your faith to be destroyed?  Take advantage of your freedoms Americans.  Not many people are given this luxury.  I for one aim to take the liberties given to me and preach about the good news.  For I have been saved and forgiven, by the grace of God.  As once I was lost, but now I am found...was blind but now I see.  Hallelujah and Praise be to God!!!!  

"I stand, with arms high and heart abandoned.  For the One who gave it all.
I stand, my soul Lord to your surrendered.  All I am is Yours."

I will speak the truth about the One and only God and will not be dismayed by the evil one.  For he lurks around for his opportunity.  I have said many of times before that it's a daily battle folks.  Just because you have accepted the truth doesn't mean you're saved forever.  You still can be led astray by the enemy if you allow him in.  So stay vigilant and aware of your belief, don't shy away from telling others, and don't be led astray at any time by the enemy.  Keep studying the Word of God, and preach the good Word to all you have access to and then beyond.  That's the only way we can find the lost...

1 comment:

  1. That scripture in blue hit my core onin through my heart. The pastor you referred to must have his ways of wisdom in the eyes of our father Jahovah.
