Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Food for your soul -

Ever feel hungry when you know you've eaten.  As if, no matter how much or what you chow down on, it leaves you feeling unsatisfied.  So what does being full really mean?  The widely used translation is; being completely filled, containing all that can be held, or filled to the utmost capacity. Now let me ask again.  Are you really full when you've eaten all you can eat? If so, then why is that lingering unfulfilled feeling still there? Is it really food that you need or is the empty feeling within you in need of something else.  Something bigger than mere sustenance.  We can cloud our lives with abundance of activities, work, school, love, family, friendships, and my new favorite (as in not!) social media...or you could be the outdoorsy kind and are into all sort of sports and hiking.  Yet at the end of the day, you're still sad, lonely and irked, and you simply can't figure out why.  Varying opinions exist on said topic and you can form your own either based on research, or based on how you feel. If you have read any of my writing, you will know, I will base it off of scripture.  So here it goes.

Our soul needs nourishment just like out body does.  But our soul is not satisfied with things of this world.  Our soul needs something greater.  It needs to believe in something.  Hold on to something that is sustainable.  And what possibly can be greater than God. There are many out there who would disagree with that statement. They will counter the statement with various ideas of science and of existence in general.  Some if not many within my own family.  To them I say, you believe what you feel is right, and let me speak of what my heart tells me is correct!  For it is written:

"I am the bread of life.  He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst."
John 6:35

"I will satiate the soul of the priests with abundance, and My people shall be satisfied with My goodness says the Lord."
Jeremiah 31:14

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."
Matthew 5:6

I have spoken previously about those who; worship idols, rely on their own wits, and feel secure with the money they have acquired.  To those, I say, if you are full with these things then praise be to God. However if you aren't feeling complete regardless of all your worldly possessions, then perhaps there is a better way, eh? Would you give the one God your attention?  Believe it or not, He is looking for you.  He wants to find you.  He wants to fill you with happiness and joy of not this world, but a better world.  A world yet to come.  He knows your deepest desires and He alone can fulfill them.  So why not give it a try?  I suppose it would be too discerning of me if I say, you won't be disappointed.  But you won't be!